It seems like everything in the world of finance has at least three names to keep everyone confused. If you have ever been bamboozled by financial mumbo jumbo, we have what you need. This is a list of commonly-used financial terms explained in plain English.
Earning money consumes one of our most valuable and irreplaceable resources: our time. Each day, we trade a part of our lives for money, and that time is gone forever.
For most of our working lives, retirement is a vague notion that we’re too busy to think about. Later when retirement becomes imminent, things begin to change.
Mike Ballew is the founder of Eggstack®. He’s a member of the Financial Planning Association, an engineer, and software developer.
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Mike Ballew – Financial Planning Association member, engineer, author, and founder at Eggstack.
Eggstack is an independent financial technology company located in Jacksonville, Florida. Our mission is to help you overcome uncertainty about retirement planning and inspire confidence in your financial future.
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