Mike Ballew – Financial Planning Association member, engineer, author, and founder at Eggstack.
Eggstack is an independent financial technology company located in Jacksonville, Florida. Our mission is to help you overcome uncertainty about retirement planning and inspire confidence in your financial future.
The first thing you notice when you retire is the slower pace. It takes a while to get used to. The structure that employment once provided is replaced by a seemingly endless stretch of nothingness. Some people find it unsettling. Like anything else, knowing that it’s coming can help you prepare for it.
It’s up to you to provide the structure in retirement. You have to find something to live for, some reason to get out of bed in the morning. Barring some semblance of that, you might not even last a year. Is that what you want? To work your whole life and then die of boredom your first year of retirement?
Habits are hard to break. If you have no particular plans for retirement, you may quickly fall into the habit of watching television all day. While there is nothing necessarily wrong with that, it probably falls short of the fulfilling retirement you had envisioned. That is why is it so important to establish areas of interest before you retire.
Attitude is everything. Look at retirement as an adventure; an opportunity to check things off your bucket list. You have all the time in the world to try new things. Don’t go through life too proud to learn something new. At first you might not be very good at it, but that’s how we learn and grow. Without growth, life can become stagnant and unfulfilling.
Retirement is not the time to “let yourself go." On the contrary, you need to exercise and eat right in retirement more than ever. The best exercise is the one you enjoy. If you can’t think of a physical activity that you enjoy, go for a walk. Walking is a great exercise for all ages, but especially in retirement. You have the time to do it right, and compared to other forms of exercise it places less stress on your bones and joints. If it’s too hot or cold to go outside, get an elliptical. You never have to leave home and it feels like you’re walking on air.
While it’s true that planning plays an important role in retirement, you also need to maintain a degree of flexibility. There will be surprises along the way such as big-ticket maintenance items on your home or changes in your health or that of your spouse or partner.
Speaking of your significant other, once you're both retired he or she may throw you a curve. They may want to go back to work or join a commune or open a daycare or move to Zimbabwe. When we marry, we give up a 50 percent voting share in our lives. That’s why it’s so important to discuss these things before saying “I do." Find someone to love who shares your values and lifestyle.
Retirement is a major life change. It is a time of leisure and freedom, and it’s the final chapter of your life. Most people are happier in retirement, but some find it depressing. Check in with your feelings and make changes if you feel unhappy. Some circumstances are beyond your control, but you can change how you react to them. Focus on what you can control, which is yourself.
In the end, you will find that time is more valuable than money. Time spent with loved ones is what warms your heart and makes life worth living. If you have grandchildren who live out of state, splurge once in a while and go visit them. It will mean a lot to them, especially on major events such as birthdays and graduations.
Photo credit: Pixabay Eggstack News will never post an article influenced by an outside company or advertiser. Our mission is to help you overcome uncertainty about retirement planning and inspire confidence in your financial future.