The Monster behind Door Number 3
written by Mike Ballew March 20, 2019

Do you remember Let’s Make a Deal? Monty Hall would come down the aisle and pick people dressed in a crazy costumes to be on the show. Each lucky contestant received a prize and they had to decide whether to keep it or trade it for a chance to win a bigger prize. Somewhere hidden behind door number one, two, or three was a new car or an exotic vacation.

In the world of television gameshows, choices lead to riches or (more often) nothing at all. In the game of life, the stakes are much higher. The choices we make can lead to success and happiness or sorrow and misery.


Pick your Poison


Alcohol is a legal drug in most countries. It’s as addictive as street drugs and just as deadly. It’s estimated that alcohol dependence costs the U.S. an average of $170 billion each year.


Both illegal drugs and prescription drug abuse fall into this category. Opioid painkillers such as OxyContin are a part of the prescription drug problem and heroin seems to be the street drug of choice. Heroin overdoses have reached epidemic levels, and it affects people from all walks of life.


According to the National Council on Problem Gambling, 80 percent of adults have gambled at least once in the past year. About 2 percent have a problem with gambling and half of those are hardcore gambling addicts.


Approximately 2 percent of Americans have a food addiction. Food affects our brain chemistry in much the same way as drugs or alchohol. About one-fifth of food addicts are obese.


About 8 percent of men and 3 percent of women are sex addicts. For them, sex is an escape from boredom or stress. Many sex addicts have low self-esteem and cope with it by becoming dependent on the hollow boost of random sexual encounters or viewing pornography.


The nicotine found in cigarettes is highly addictive. Smoking in the U.S. is responsible for more than 400,000 deaths each year.


Having a good work ethic is a virtue, but too much can lead to serious issues. Some people find it hard to set work aside and relax. Like a drug, accomplishment and success affect the brain chemistry which leads to dependence.

Social Media

Excessive use of social media can result in an addiction to approval and attention.

Video Games

The World Health Organization recognizes gaming disorder as an official mental health issue. The compulsion to play video games can lead to serious problems in life.

The Monster Behind Door Number 3

Most people regularly experience some of these items because they are normal parts of life. For example, we all have to eat. Studies have shown that moderate drinking has health benefits and that moderate drinkers live longer than teetotalers. Some people can dabble in vices again and again and never experience any negative consequences. Others try something once and they're hooked. Life isn't fair.

If you or someone you know is struggling with addiction, seek help. There are numerous organization whose mission is to help people overcome addiction and substance abuse. The best approach is prevention. Addicts deal with temptations and cravings that regular people do not. It may not be easy but it is simple: when you come to a door that contains something destructive, don't open it.

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Financial Planning Association member, engineer, author, and founder at Eggstack.