Healthy Aging
written by Mike Ballew January 2, 2019

Remember those Driver’s Ed movies where they showed what happens in a car crash? They were trying to scare us into being cautious drivers, and it worked. Maybe we need something like that for adults, only with a focus on health. We could benefit from visiting a healthcare facility or nursing home to remind ourselves of the importance of living right. By embracing the concept of healthy aging, we can slow the aging process and improve our quality of life.

Healthy Aging

That’s my wife and I in the picture skating. We watched a program recently with a scene of a couple skating and we looked at each other and said, we should do that. Neither of us had skated in over 20 years, so it was an adventure. It took a while to get the hang of it, but we had a lot of fun. The next day we felt sore in places we didn’t know we had. 

I do not hold myself out to be a perfect physical specimen or an expert on health and fitness – far from it. I have referred to potato chips as “the food of the gods.” What I am saying is this: it’s important to keep in touch with our younger selves and strive to achieve healthy aging. My hope is that you will never feel too old or too sophisticated to try something new or enjoy something you used to do when you were younger.

It’s Up to Us

Four chronic diseases – heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes – account for two-thirds of all American deaths. 80 percent of older adults have at least one chronic disease. While some things are beyond our control, others are not. Smoking, drinking too much, overeating, and a lack of exercise all contribute to these diseases. We need to eat right and stay active in order to reduce our chances of developing these deadly diseases.

Being physically fit also lessens the chances of being injured in an accident. Our muscles help protect us if we a fall or get in a car accident. Going through life with the fragility of an eggshell is an invitation for disaster.

Mind over Matter

We are more than just our physical bodies. Staying active and engaged in life not only benefits us physically, but it’s good for our mental well-being. I know I feel better when I go to the gym, even on those days when I don’t want to. When I get up and go to work on Monday morning, I feel better if I’ve done something fun over the weekend. We make memories when we get out and do something we enjoy.

Healthy Aging

We all face the same fate, our minds and bodies deteriorating as we age. But we don’t have to go down without a fight. The more we take care of ourselves by eating healthy and staying active, the better our chances of having a high quality of life as we age. Healthy aging affords us the opportunity to remain independent and enjoy our lives. As the saying goes, when you have your health, you have everything. It might be cliché but it’s true. The choices we make have a huge impact on our well-being as we get older. As I used to tell my boys when they were growing up, you are the sum of the choices you’ve made. I encourage you to take a moment to reflect on your life to see if there are any changes you need to make to put you on the path to healthy aging.

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Eggstack founder, Financial Planning Association member, engineer, and software developer.